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rating 143912 votes
Countries USA
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Creator M. Night Shyamalan
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Look- I"m not a fan of this director. Lady in the Water was rather good. Some others weren"t too dreadful. He inserts himself frequently into his own pictures-cameos. Whether it"s an homage to Hitchcock or just a sense of undeserved pride,who cares? It"s embarrassing. Boo. Hiss. I read the controversy about ethnic origin. I this day and age,there is no excuse not to use the cast of the right ethnic type. It"s OK to substitute a Korean martial artist for a Chinese one or a Japanese one (etc) especially for the little boy,but a Caucasian-no. My son was in martial arts for 10 years. There are many Karate and TKD and other studios all over the country with children who can act. I really thing film,even for children,should require some acting skills by the cast before they are hired. You can"t just hire Jeff because your daughter has a crush on him,for example.
I was really looking forward to Dev Patel"s next vehicle after Slumdog Millionaire but clearly, giving him a cape with a hood and a burn scar and telling him to "act wounded,angry,unloved,and monosyllabic" was not useful. Patel is a mature actor and M Night made no use of him. Next to the little white kids parading around in costume, shorty trying to find something besides air and confessing he"s a coward (why did I keep thinking of Kung-Fu Panda? the absolute whipped cream and cherry on top of this sundae was Assif Mandvi.
Laugh or cry? Could you decide? I really couldn"t. The dialog was so horrible. (Yes- everything IS the director"s fault) But the minute Mandvi speaks,with that distinctive voice, you know it"s him. Alright-fine. If he could act. But he can"t He can only read lines. So whenever he speaks,you expect the punchline. Where"s Jon Stewart? Is a Republican in the wings with a large cigar and a poster of Mao? Can it be any more sadly hilarious? He can"t play a villain. But he"s trying,I suppose,for a really nasty Asian used car salesman.
Directors in the good old days have re-shot half the film when they found the voice wasn"t right,or a character died,or a test audience didn"t respond well. I guess these days,you just puff out your chest and say, screw the audience. I"m M Night Whats"it"s...

Consider your Internet speed, the better the quality the slower the download speed. Just for the record, and hopefully this should be brief, I love the series Avatar:The Last Airbender. It is beautifully animated, has great music, writing, story lines and characters and is quite deep for an animated series. I wasn"t expecting this film to be faithful to the series but at least stick to its spirit. Sadly it didn"t do that. The only redeeming qualities for me were the stunning cinematography and scenery and the beautiful music score. Everything else fails. Here banality replaces complexity, consequently the characters are poorly explored and very shallow. The script is absolutely awful with trite dialogue and wooden delivery, the story is juvenile and woefully misconcieved with heavy subplotting and the pacing is so dull it makes the film tedious. And to add further insult to injury, the direction is very bland, there is a complete overload of CGI and the acting is wooden from pretty much all involved. Overall, a big disappointment and best avoided. 2/10 Bethany Cox.

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A young person viewing the film might not recognize the force of the father"s last speech since it values the boy"s love relationship and subsequent pain from an older person"s point of view. That those moments of pain could be a precious part of a first passionate love is perhaps more apparent to those of us who have aged considerably. The setting and pace of a summer"s leisure may also appeal most to those in the same economic bracket as the classically educated family described. How many of us can while away summer months in such a lofty cultural manner?
The film"s emotional reverberations are deep in the universal valuing of passionate young love, where neither boy nor man reveals to the other what this love might mean. In 1983, Oliver"s choice to marry a woman is probably a necessary one from his point of view. Elio, at age seventeen, has no adult thought of a future as a gay male in an inhospitable social climate. He simply desires. Hence his pain is inconsolable as he grieves into the flames of a dining room fire place. Yet his face eventually shows resolve, strength. He will learn in time, we are told.

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This looks like Brooks from Shawshank giving a beatin hahah. Scorsese: Just look at the flowers, viewer. Look at the flowers. This scene was so terrible. He"s too old to act this scene out properly, and it reminded me that I was watching a movie. They really should have figured something else out. Watch free c4 b0rlandal c4 b1 kit.

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country USA. Liked It 268852 Vote. 1986. Drama. Actor Tom Cruise, Kelly McGillis. writed by Jack Epps Jr






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Top gun softball. Top gun blog. Calling it now: This will be part of season 4 of Stranger Things somehow. Top gun goose dies. Top gun baseball. I think I still have this on VHS somewhere. Awesome. Who is still watching in 2018? ??????. Top gun cheer. Top gun final dogfight. Top gun hand. Top gun sports. Top gun release date. Top gun moscow. The fact that all the flying are in F14 Tomcats is a bit of a giveaway... Top gun sequel. Top gun maverick release date. Top gun maverick. Top gun movie. Top gun ending. Cant wait for top gun 2. I"m gonna bring him closer Merlin... Gonna do what. Take the guys to the north, take the the guys to the north.

Is no one guna talk About Miles Teller looking liek he is actually Anthony Edwardss son. Top gun barber. Top gun danger zone. 8:24 I love the look on Merlin"s face! You"re gonna do WHAT? Lol. Come on guys. an entire hour, and not one mention of the mighty F-8 Crusader, also known at the time, as the last gunfighter! Were there no Top Gun pilots who flew this awesome bird. There were a number of great films that came out in the 1980s, but Top Gun nearly single-handedly stigmatized that era as being one of utter crap. Released in 1986, the film was a massive blockbuster, but aside from marveling over its technicalities and surface glitz, it is a near indefensible film, even as far as popcorn summer flicks go.
The plot – if one chooses to lavish such a description on it – basically focuses on a group of crème de la crème aerial fighter pilots who attend an elite flight school in California and compete to see who will be Top Gun.
So much for the plot! The focal character is a cocky, swaggering air jockey named Maverick, played with exuberant arrogance by Tom Cruise. All of the pilots spend their days either doing absurdly risky aerial acrobatics or preening around like peacocks displaying their plumage. Maverick functions as a veritable checklist of clichés for the modern action hero. His dead father was a pilot legend, but with a cloud hanging over him, which gives Maverick major daddy issues. The new adviser at the school just happens to be Kelly McGillis, the sexy woman that Maverick tried to pick up at the local bar the evening before with an embarrassing Righteous Brothers serenade (only the film seems to think it is charming. Maverick"s best friend is a pre-ER Anthony Edwards, who is a funny and sensitive family man married to ditzy Meg Ryan. And given that he is stuck with the nickname of Goose when all the other guys have coy macho nicknames like Iceman, Wolfman and Viper, you get the correct impression that this will be the film"s sacrificial lamb to give Maverick his crisis in swaggering. Maverick also has a rivalry with another flyer, played by Val Kilmer, but since that plot thread is forgotten almost as soon as it is introduced, it seems pointless to comment on it.
The film has been rightfully accused of heralding in the era of ADHD-action filmmaking, drowning in jingoism, featuring blatant homoeroticism and being little more than a feature length music video. The fact that there is some truth to all of those accusations may make the film seem like great dumb fun or a guilty pleasure, but that overlooks the fact that it is mind-deadeningly tedious.
Director Tony Scott provides slick direction and the cinematography is spectacular, but nothing can detract from the fact that the film is emotionally lifeless and intellectually vacant. There are literally entire passages that seem to be nothing more than extended music videos. The film is bookended by aerial dogfights against faceless unknown enemies. Who are they and what are their nefarious plans? The film doesn"t care. This may well be the first action film ever that fails to feature either a villain or any identifiable central conflict. Which pilot will become Top Gun at the flight school? The film could also care less about that since it is treated as irrelevant. In fact, precious few things seem to matter in this morass of noise than the next flashing light, billowing flag or whizzing plane.
Bad film aficionados can laugh over the film"s introduction of McGillis as our country"s foremost expert aerial tactician, who has never set foot in a cockpit. Cruise and McGillis have a nonexistent sexual chemistry and spend the duration of the film lobbing their lines at each other like grenades and staring with such intensity that one fears a detached retina. Truthfully, there is nothing wrong with McGillis"s acting here, but she is included in the film for only two cynical reasons. First, every action film must have "the girl. Second, because her character attests to the red-blooded heterosexuality of our leading man.
The second is apparently important because Scott often depicts the hunky pilots as sex objects. They are often parading around in tighty-whities or precariously balanced towels fresh from the shower trying to out-macho each other and filmed with the blatant sexuality of a Calvin Klein perfume commercial. One lengthy sequence depicting a volleyball game is completely pointless to the film unless it is needed to pad the time out or the film wishes to showcase the sweaty bodies of the guys in tiny shorts – you be the judge. Of course, since the film refuses to step outside of PG-rated territory lest they lose their target audience of intellectually stunted adolescents, there is no actual nudity. In truth, while all of the displays of male skin are initially enticing, like the film itself, it becomes an annoyingly empty tease after a while.
Although many have forgotten it, Cruise has demonstrated some great acting. While he is ideally iconic and definitely at his sexiest as Maverick, it becomes a thundering bore to watch him reduced to repeatedly strut across the screen with a smarmy grin plastered to his face and offer little else. Edwards turns in the film"s best performance as Goose, largely because he is allowed to be affable and appealing without being saddled with the obnoxious posturing of some of the other characters. Tom Skerritt is on hand to provide a bit of maturity as a semi-mentor, but the remainder of the cast including Kilmer, John Stockwell, Tim Robbins, have literally nothing to do but function as scenery.
Arguably the film"s greatest weakness is that we have no rooting interest in anything that transpires on screen. Nothing seems credible, threatening or of any urgency. The film seems placidly laid-back about everything – including its action sequences, which will fail to lift the pulse of the most non-demanding viewer. Although this has been elevated as a somewhat dubious icon of 1980s filmmaking, this may well be the first hit action film with a complete lack of humor and a dearth of any real action.

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Damn I am old, at least this actually looks like a solid effort. talk to me Goose. Top gun anthem. Top gun full movie. Top gun supply. What I learnt from this scene: I AM NOT LEAVING MY WINGMAN. Awesome, waiting anxiously for the amazing rendition of this tom cruise classic. HEY ?? WERE IS THE DANGER ZONE, SECOND QUESTION WHAT IS WITH THE KID ??. Top gun trailer. Top gun: maverick stories. Top gun. Top gun music. Top gun maverick trailer. Top gun cast. Top gun quotes. Tom Cruise has more charisma in his shirt collar than most people can even think they think about having.

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